13 March 2012

. . . encroachment . . .

. . . it's like arizona's version
of kudzu . . .
. . . geraniums
are taking over . . .

. . . creeping over walkways . . .
. . . inching closer and closer to doors . . .

. . . between overflowing flower beds,
the scent of citrus blossoms
wafting through the air,
and perfect 80 degree weather ~
this is a lovely time of year . . .

. . . and i can hardly bring myself
to get out the pruning shears . . .


Carol said...

Your geraniums are gorgeous...

Nanette Merrill said...

Don't prune! I have some ivy that crosses our front steps. I hate cutting it because it is so pretty. I wouldn't want the heat you have but I'd sure love those red geraniums right now.

Martha said...

WOW I have never seen geraniums grow like that and I live in Louisiana. They are beautiful!

Sassy said...

Don't prune!!!! They ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!! This time of year is gorgeous......love the fragrance in the air......now if it just WOULDN'T GET ANY WARMER.....I am good right here and now!!!!

chris+amber said...

Leave them! They're too amazing to be pruned! I can't help but smile every time I pull up to your house.

manders said...

i adore your flowers. can't wait to plant some of my own sometime...