. . . a little equal opportunity
oops!ing today . . .
. . . more prep for the
great eighth grandchild giveaway . . .
. . . which we can now say will,
for certain,
be in august . . .
{july is officially out of the picture ~
which, as i told jessalyn this morning,
at least removes the question as to which birthstone to buy
~ definitely peridot ~
which is convenient, since green is her favorite color.
i love when stuff works out!}
. . . i had a special request
for blue and brown . . .
. . . maybe some of these will do . . .

Steph they are WONDERFUL!
4 of these are like, perfect or something!! Are these spoken fer or can I fetch some of 'em?
Hayden knows her mom's favorite color:) ps these are so dang cute!
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