. . . gotta give a shout out today . . .
. . . and it goes
to megan
of vintage printage . . .
. . . as soon as i got an ipad
for my birthday last year,
i knew the exact cover
i wanted for it . . .
. . . only thing is ~
it didn't exist . . .
. . . i searched the world wide web . . .
. . . high and low . . .
. . . more than once . . .
. . . i even ordered one
that i thought would work . . .
. . . not cute . . .
. . . i sent it back
the same day it arrived . . .
. . . enter megan . . .
. . . i've been hounding her
for quite a while now . . .
. . . she finally carries
the style of case
i was looking for . . .
. . . hurray . . .
. . . i knew exactly
how i wanted it to look . . .
. . . and she designed it for me! . . .
. . . yay! . . .
{when i say she designed it for me,
what i mean is that she showed up
at our quilt group meeting last week,
and i sat next to her
and was super picky for a long time,
until i'm sure she wanted
to punch me in the face!}
. . . but lookie how good she did! . . .
. . . we worked on it
a week and a half ago . . .
. . . and it arrived in today's mail . . .
. . . now, that's service! . . .
. . . she designs
all kinds of cute stuff . . .
. . . check her out . . .
{edit: re: vickie's comment ~ it is red, but admittedly a tomato-ish red.
we purposely chose a cooler red than we thought we needed
to match my smart cover, and it still came out a little more orange
than i thought it would. i suspect this must be an industry-wide problem.
the same thing happened when i ordered a case for my phone.
the red is nowhere near the color i chose during the design process.
there must be something about the actual process of printing the design
on the plastic case, because all colors turn out warmer
than they appear in photoshop. word to the wise!}
{edit: re: vickie's comment ~ it is red, but admittedly a tomato-ish red.
we purposely chose a cooler red than we thought we needed
to match my smart cover, and it still came out a little more orange
than i thought it would. i suspect this must be an industry-wide problem.
the same thing happened when i ordered a case for my phone.
the red is nowhere near the color i chose during the design process.
there must be something about the actual process of printing the design
on the plastic case, because all colors turn out warmer
than they appear in photoshop. word to the wise!}

What? An orange surround? Please tell me that it's really red...
Green with envy! Super duper cute! Megan is amazing!
Are you sure you are using CMYK? Makes a difference in the print world.
very cute and continues in your "out there" coolness. Brian was very dissappointed when I came home this week with my new phone with a plain blue cover. He wanted to know where the zebra print was or the "sheena style". I told him I wasn't in the mood at the moment. It was a large purchase and I was feeling SO PRESSURED from loved ones and children alike to not break the iPhone mold...but hense, I jumped on the Samsung GalaxySIII bandwagon and haven't been dissappointed yet. Either of these are supermanish compared to my plain blackberry I've had from work...although I did appreciate the free plan coverage the past years.
Alas, as a designer, I can tell you the final color print is such a nightmare. Every monitor has a different color for the same number, every home printer produces a different color for the same number. Every print shop out there can only ensure the final color you've specified if they go by solutions. RGB usually turn out much brighter and truer to what you see on screen. CMYK (which is what the majority of the print shops use) always turned my nice Amkor blue to a purple. If I didn't have time to see a true color match print before the job due to time constraints (Always!) we had to live with whatever came. Wondering if next time Meg can get you a pre-printout sample of final color...and then again, if it is on paper...will it turn out the same on plastic???? It's a cornusing I say....but hey, the cheetah is mahvalous...or is that leopard????
oh i'm so glad you like it! I was a little bummed that it was on the orange side too, but at least it isn't as bad as your old case! Reds are hard, and I have found that teals are hard too. All other colors tend to show up just a bit darker, but still the same hue. Yes, we all use CMYK, but they always end up the slightest shade different. Not enough for most people to notice... unless they are trying to match a smart cover. We will just blame it on the plastic. :)
Thanks for the shout out!
I watched the process.... cool fer sure!
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