. . . at which, so far,
she seems to be a champ . . .
. . . eight winners were chosen . . .
. . . at random, might i add . . .
. . . so ~ without further delay . . .
•nanette merrill {prize mailed}
•donna allen {prize claimed}
•shellene {prize claimed}
•kimberly johnson {prize claimed}
•tyson and kyndall {prize mailed}
•dixie chiles {prize claimed}
•lifeinredshoes {prize mailed}
•sherri {prize mailed}
. . . congratulations!! . . .
. . . please
~ if you don't live in mesa, arizona ~
{or relatively nearby}
contact me with address info
and oops! preference . . .
. . . first come ~ first served . . .
{i love to be able to respond to comments.
half of these winners were notified by email.
if you won and didn't get an email from me,
it's because you haven't changed your blogger settings.
it's sooooooo easy to do.
click here.
please make me happy!}

FINALLY!! Perfect timing for baby Mila and grandma taking turns with feedings at our house. Save me something cute please (girlish). I'll be down this afternoon when we get home from hospital.
Beautiful girl! I love your Oops and so will the winners, small world...Nanette is one of my favorite people!!
Yayyy!! Im so so excited! I don't think you have my correct email, I am trying to figure out how to change it but it is kyndallrachelle04@yahoo.com. Thanks so much!
Such a beautiful baby!
Thanks so much, too!
Dang it! I was about to comment the other day, but then I had to run somewhere, or do something, or answer the door or who knows what, and now I lost out on my chance! Congrats to the winner though, I guess I'll hold out for Amanda or Amelia to have another baby so I can enter the drawing for grandbaby #9!
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