. . . on the plus side . . .
. . . i lasted through
. . . i lasted through
one hour
of church today . . .
. . . long enough
to bluff my way through
the choir number . . .
. . . but it was wonderful
to listen to talks
by two young men
who i've watched grow up . . .
. . . they will both be
amazing missionaries . . .
. . . one in west virginia . . .
. . . one in cape verde praia . . .
{props to you if you know where that is!}
. . . on the minus side . . .
. . . no family dinner today . . .
. . . and it's day four
of not holding hayden . . .
. . . i will hold that baby again
before she goes back to utah . . .

so glad to know you are feeling a little bit better. That baby needs grandma kisses before they leave.
*Spot on about the sharps. Flats are no problem for me, but sharps - I hate them!
*Stopped for a refuel in Cape Verde on the way home from South Africa. From what I could see of it, (which wasn't much)it was beautiful.
*Get better quick. Hayden needs some Grammy love.
You were amazing! I appreciate your being there so much and nobody noticed if you struggled with sharps. It was a great meeting, I agree. I face East when I speak your name, my incredible, talented, unselfish friend, who came to church from your near deathbed(see earlier post). Insert applause here.
I really enjoyed the Called to Serve, since of course it was MY Mission song too.. many years ago. Came to hear Elder Levi speak, after having him grow up partway in Countryside Park Ward with us before growing up in your ward!
Amy Brown
I do know where Cape Verde is. Our neighbor in Sycamore went there on his mission.
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