. . . first things first . . .
. . . here's today's
advent ornament . . .
. . . p.s. i'll be posting one
every.single.day . . .
. . . fast forward if you wish . . .
. . . so ~ i gathered my tools . . .
. . . then i gathered my real tools . . .
. . . then i decided that
i might be a candidate
for the christmas episode
of hoarders . . .
. . . i bought this garland at costco
probably eight years ago . . .
. . . never opened it . . .
. . . decorative garland
in the lower left corner
is at least that old . . .
. . . never used . . .
. . . same with those red lights
and peppermint ornaments . . .
. . . but, why must there
always be obstacles? . . .
. . . and why must it be
a green leafy bug? . . .
. . . i think it's called a katydid . . .
. . . she was cramping my style . . .
. . . i needed to get up
near that outlet . . .
. . . and generally speaking,
i don't really appreciate
hanging out with insects . . .
. . . so ~ again ~ big girl pants . . .
. . . i put one of my decorations
to good use . . .
. . . and orchestrated
a little relocation . . .
. . . back to work . . .
. . . first ~ test the lights . . .
. . . these babies have been
living in my outdoor storage room
for a looooooooong time . . .
. . . for all i know,
they could be rotten . . .
. . . but just my luck ~
they worked fine . . .
. . . i'll tell you
what doesn't work fine for me . . .
. . . obviously, we are not going
for a realistic look here . . .
. . . i'd say whimsical is more like it . . .
. . . so ~ a few snips of the wire cutters
and bye bye pinecones . . .
. . . oh, hello lights . . .
. . . remember ten years ago
when i absolutely
had to have you one night
during the friends and family event
at orange patch? . . .
. . . sorry you've been sweltering
out in the storage room
all this time . . .
. . . but, today is your time to shine . . .
. . . literally . . .
. . . so i wound them
through the unpineconed garland . . .
. . . and wrestled the whole thing
up around the door frame . . .
. . . and i only thought a bad word
when i realized that
two nine-foot sections of garland
wasn't quiiiiiiiiiite enough . . .
. . . but it'll have to do . . .
. . . and then while i was
up on the ladder,
the fact that it is entirely
too warm here for december
was reaffirmed . . .
. . . i have four new mosquito bites
to prove it . . .
. . . shouldn't those pesky pests
be long gone by now . . .
. . . so i quit for the night . . .
. . . round two tomorrow . . .
. . . how many more days is it
'til christmas? . . .

It looks wonderful! You are amazing!
As our grandson Isaak used to say to us all the time "You did it honey!"
Oh my you are highly ambitious!
P.S. I love Seasons of Cannon Fall :)
seriously, what's with the mosquito bites this time of year?! i'm covered. and i had to be tested for west nile last month... luckily my blood work came back all clear! i'm ready for cooler weather & fewer bugs.
your garland looks adorable!!!!
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