. . . i pinned these images
just after
christmas last year . . .
. . . just after
most of the lights
in the garland
around my front door
went pffffft . . .
. . . it must be
the grand scale of things
that drew me
to all three ideas . . .
. . . now i'm thinking
i must be out of my mind . . .
. . . i gathered up and brought home
a carload of "ingredients"
from hobby lobby
the other day . . .
. . . and now i'm feeling inadequate/overwhelmed
at the thought
of trying to recreate
anything even close to these . . .
. . . and i may or may not
be checking
their return policy . . .

oh, wow. Yes, that is a big project! I'll be following along to see what you decide.
you can do it. everything you touch turns to magic.
^what she said.
IT's easier than it looks. I have one around my door and change it for each holiday/season. You just leave the grapevine up (screwed into the brick) and decorate it. Email me if you need hints...
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