. . . and a pink ribbon store . . .
. . . and a green ribbon store . . .
. . . and black . . .
. . . and brown . . .
. . . and aqua . . .
. . . and every other
color of the rainbow . . .
. . . i mean we're talking about
a LOT of ribbon . . .
. . . this store
~ i still call it "ruffler's roost" ~
has occupied four different locations
since i've been shopping there . . .
{i've been shopping there for many, many, many years}
. . . at the second location,
they kind of changed the name
{at least on the storefront signage}
to "ribbons and lace" . . .
. . . the third location
was soooooo convenient to me . . .
. . . so i cried just a little
when they moved
to their new location
last month . . .
. . . the sign now says
"the ribbon store" . . .
. . . this space is lots more,
well, spacious . . .
. . . but i will be happier
about driving out to higley to shop
if/when the construction
on both roads of the intersection
is finished . . .
. . . it's a mess . . .
. . . i'd be even more tickled
if the parking lot was paved . . .
. . . it was pure mud
when i went last week . . .
. . . today, it was a little drier . . .
{one of about half a dozen aisles,
this is perhaps my favorite ~ all polka dots}
. . . bottom line is:
wild horses couldn't keep me
from this store . . .
. . . i'm a frequent flier there . . .
. . . season tickets, if you will . . .
. . . if you've ever used oops!,
now you know
one of my secrets . . .

yes, it looks just like your kind of place :)
I ♥this store too Stephanie.......I was just sick when I saw them close (by us). Haven't been to the new one as of yet.........but I'm sure I will soon. Gotta feed the addiction!
Love your oops!
Lisa Redhouse
WOWSER! I've never seen so much ribbon in one place in my life...how awesome!
Now that looks like good, clean fun!
boooooo! i'm depressed they moved. :)
I totally cleaned the owner's teeth not too long ago! Rumor has it, she wants to sell, and the more I think about it, the more I think that YOU should buy it! Think about it! You could call it "Stephler's Roost"! Okay, that was bad, but still, you should buy it, and then carry wrapping paper too. Btw, I might have suggested to the owner that she carry wrapping paper, I thought it was genius.
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