. . . thanks for all of your
small business saturday
and cyber monday
orders! . . .
. . . you guys are seriously the best . . .
{hey, amy mills! yours is the only email address i don't have.
so . . . please click on that gmail icon over there ----->
don't worry, though, your order has been processed at yesterday's discount}
. . . here are the aforementioned
new bloops! colors . . .
. . . bloops! are 100% cotton
swaddling blankets . . .
. . . sized for newborns
in stretchy gauze . . .
. . . perfect for making sure
your baby burrito
is nice and secure . . .
{two available colors not pictured are baby pink and ivory/natural. all bloops are edgestitched in white} |
. . . i'm sorry,
but a tiny baby boy
swaddled in that navy? . . .
. . . delicious . . .
. . . and you can't go wrong
with solid red
for christmas/valentine's day . . .
. . . but my favorite
might just be
that sunny yellow . . .

I will for sure be ordering some as soon as I know what I'm having! I love these!
so cute! i am going to totally snag a few of these for #2!
Where is the button to order? I would like 2 in white.
Again, why did all the cool and cute stuff come out after I had babies. The navy is killing me.
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