. . . papa ward
instagrammed this photo
saturday . . .
. . . something about prepping
for the annual turkey pit . . .
. . . then came this one . . .
. . . he said it took three hours
to load the pit with wood . . .
. . . at this point,
i invited myself
to share in this
smoky, meaty goodness . . .
. . . and janet sent detailed instructions
on how to prep a turkey . . .
. . . and when i say turkey,
of course i mean pork roast . . .
. . . season, roasting bag,
seal loosely, ten layers
of heavy duty aluminum foil . . .
. . . name written in sharpie . . .
. . . done . . .
. . . we went to witness
the fire starters . . .
. . . there was gasoline . . .
. . . lots of gasoline . . .
. . . then there was a flame thrower . . .
. . . i guess boys are never too old
to play with matches . . .
. . . then there was a fire . . .
. . . a really big fire . . .
. . . and cameron was concerned . . .
. . . very concerned . . .
. . . around 10 or 11 o'clock tonight,
the coals will be ready . . .
. . . all the turkeys and other meats
will be lowered into the pit . . .
. . . covered with metal grates,
plywood, and dirt . . .
. . . tomorrow before noon,
they'll reverse the burial process
and we'll go back
and pick up our sunday dinner . . .

1 comment:
The girls loved their lives this night.
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