. . . so, how's your day been? . . .
. . . the word i'd use to describe mine
would be: glum . . .
. . . i woke up several times
during the night
feeling depressed . . .
. . . but then you know
what happened? . . .
{it happened for you and for me and for all of us}
. . . the sun did, indeed, come out . . .
{ask my children ~ any one of them ~ how much
they love my opera-style rendition of "tomorrow" from annie.
it's spectacular!}
. . . so i got up . . .
. . . got my hair cut and colored . . .
{that always helps}
. . . a fresh mani/pedi . . .
{much needed. see: lots of gardening lately}
. . . boxed up and shipped a package
to new york . . .
{who would 've thought my two-year-old iPhone 4
would sell on eBay for $243.50?}
. . . then ~ best of all,
i went to play the organ
at the temple . . .
. . . and i know
tomorrow will be
a little better . . .
. . . and the next day
and the next . . .
. . . but some things won't change . . .
. . . the fact is: i believe
the right man was not elected . . .
. . . the fact is: i will cross my fingers
and pray like crazy
that our economy
will improve . . .
. . . the fact is: i have
immense admiration
for mitt and ann
and their family . . .
. . . the fact is: they handled
the entire campaign
with grace and class . . .
. . . i also believe
in the voice of the people . . .
{even though i think they were waaaaaaay off key}
. . . i allowed myself to pout today . . .
. . . tomorrow i will do my best
to get over it and move on . . .
. . . because when all is said
and done . . .
. . . the fact is: {found in Ether 2:12} . . .
. . . and that's what i'll be trying to do
each day . . .

I thought about you all day :) and feel very much the same as you do. :(
Hugs and prayers! It's hard but we will just have to get through it somehow (on our knees).
xoxo melzie
Well spoken, friend.
It was a hard thing. I had so much hope even until right before they called it.
Very, very well said Steph.
Our bishop, who sometimes really irritates me, gave a great testimony on Sunday about going to vote and then accepting the results and working with them no matter what. I think that is all we can do. Each one of us.
it is sad though to think, was it really the voice of the people or of Mary in Ohio?? Oh well.....Go USA! :) Mitt is still the man!
amen and amen!
You are so right on Stephie!
Yep, wrong man definitely! I rec'd this from my cuz today and brot me out of my depression a little--
The event we have just witnessed was far more than a general election – it was a
referendum on the soul of America. We grieve today like we have lost a friend or a close relative. Millions of Americans looked evil in the eye and adopted it. Some
Christian observers called the Democratic Party platform for 2012 a “Romans 1 Platform,” and they were right. Abortion, same-sex marriage, and immorality carried the day.
The great values on which America was founded were set aside because of selfishness unbalanced by biblical truth and commitment to Jesus Christ. Race and ethnicity overrode values. The America we love is sick and needs renewal and
healing. Under these circumstances, it is okay to grieve. But, after we have
grieved, we must press forward.
God is not through with our nation! God calls us to remain faithful, no matter the
We might be a Bonhoeffer in Nazi Germany who never lived to see the fruit of his faithful labor. We might be a Wilberforce in England who saw the fruit of his labor (the abolition of slavery and reformation of morals), but died soon after, never getting the chance to enjoy the results. We might even be a David who stood
up against popular opinion and defeated a giant who blasphemed God Almighty. No matter what our lot might be, we are called to be faithful!
We have a higher calling than the world. Our calling and our values do not depend on a survey or an election. Whether we are on the verge of revival or are soon to
face the death chamber makes no difference in how we respond or how we act. Our obedience is to Christ and to Christ alone!
The world hated Jesus, and it is no surprise the world hates the followers of Christ. But, be of good cheer! The Lord Jesus Christ has overcome the world and is
seated on His throne. Without Christ we are nothing. We are lost and have no hope. And although I grieve for a season, yet I have hope because of Christ!
God is still in control. But the choices people make have consequences. He is in control throughout the narrative of Deuteronomy 28. He is also in control in versus 1-14, where Scripture speaks of the blessings that will come to a nation if
a nation follows God and keeps His commandments. And, He is in control in Deuteronomy 25:15 and following, where the Holy text speaks of the curses that come for not obeying God. Either way, He is in control! Either way, no matter what the populace does, we are not allowed to waiver and must remain steadfast.
We will no doubt see and feel the consequences of this election. More children will die. Marriage will come under greater attack. Immorality will be exalted. Sadly, the country could easily collapse under the weight of escalating economic debt. Islam will be emboldened. Our military will become weaker. Israel will not
have as strong an ally as it needs at this critical time. The world will become a more dangerous place. These are all consequences that follow national actions like
the ones we have just witnessed. But, when you are down, that is the time to fight all the harder!
There is NOTHING impossible for God. He is calling on His people to serve Him, and He will not abandon His people! God has called you and me for such a time as this.
God is not surprised by these events. So, to reiterate, it is okay to grieve because what has happened is indeed sad. But, we cannot go on grieving. We must
arise and remember Whom we serve. God will not be mocked and His justice will not sleep forever!
In the midst of your grief, I want to encourage you. Our eyes must remain focused on the Lord and not on the crashing waves. How can we remain down when we are
redeemed by the blood of the Lamb? How can we remain sad when Almighty God knows our name? How can we be uncertain when we know Who wrote the last chapter of the
May the peace of the Lord be with you. Be encouraged. Remain strong.
I totally agree - the wrong man was elected. I'm disappointed in the citizens of this country that they can not see we are going in the wrong direction. I believe Mitt and Ann have been such an inspiration. Such wonderful people with great character. I pray for them and for this country. Take care!
I am a Mary from Ohio and I can/could hardly stand the outcome.
those of us in "swing states" are happy not to come home to 10 voice mails and a mail box full political stuff.
Somehow, we need to DEMAND that elections STOP being so dividing and thank the good people who try to do the right thing
I had to go searching for the Imodium that night. TMI? Thanks for the uplifting message. xoxo
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