04 November 2012

. . . sunday evening with crabby . . .

. . . cam's only crabby 
if his mom 
isn't shoveling in brownies 
and ice cream 
fast enough . . .

. . . after properly signing 
"more" and "please", 
the anticipation is almost more 
than he can bear . . .

. . . then . . . 
. . . finally the reward . . .

. . . followed closely 
by a little yo gabba gabba 
screen time . . . 

. . . and all the crabby is gone,
except the one on his jammies . ..


Nedra said...

I made the same dessert tonight, and the grandbabies ate all of their dinner just so they could have brownies and icecream :)

Peg and Parker said...

Love the g-kid updates! Cameron is such a doll and of course the munchkins only need the ice cream for the calcium, right? You are just meeting their nutritional needs. Glad you are a giver like that.