. . . a couple of years ago,
tyler worked so hard
planting twelve hibiscus . . .
. . . and eight arizona yellow bells
around our pool . . .
. . . that was after he worked so hard
digging out the stumps of hedges past
and replacing the drip system . . .
. . . yep ~ he's a keeper . . .
. . . then, sadly,
one by one, every single
danged hibiscus died . . .
. . . my yard man told me
that he'd seen dozens of them
kicking the bucket around town . . .
. . . one by one, i yanked them out . . .
. . . grrrrr . . .
. . . the yellow bells, however,
grew like weeds . . .
. . . seriously . . .
. . . i have to cut them back
all.the.time . . .
. . . but i love the pop of yellow . . .
{look at the flowers ~ not the quilt}
. . . even through this downpour,
you can see they were
green and thriving . . .
. . . then over the course
of the past two weeks . . .
. . . they started turning brown . . .
. . . and i said a few bad words . . .
. . . and felt horticulturally
picked on . . .
. . . and i wondered
what in the world
are those black specks? . . .
. . . and then i noticed
something was eating
my basil, too . . .
. . . some sort of italian pests,
no doubt . . .
. . . but when i saw
my beloved coral geraniums
were being devoured . . .
. . . that was the last straw . . .
. . . i was mad as he** and
i wasn't going to take it
any more . . .
. . . apparently, the valley of the sun
is infested right now by these . . .
{if you have children, i know you've read this book about a thousand times}
. . . technically they are
leaf skeletonizers . . .
. . . i kept searching
for one to photograph,
but was not successful . . .
. . . according to the asu website,
this is what they look like . . .
. . . bless their fat, slimy
green little hearts . . .
. . . when i walked
into my local a&p nursery
with my chewed up clippings
safely tucked in a ziploc bag,
the guy just laughed and said,
"you're about
the hundredth person today" . . .
. . . misery does, indeed,
love company . . .
. . . then he sold me these
and told me to prune the bushes back
to practically nothing . . .
. . . which i did,
and then i sprayed the heck
out of them . . .
. . . and gave a shot
to the basil
and geraniums, too . . .
. . . in case you were wondering . . .
. . . the black specks
covering the ravaged leaves
happens to be caterpillar poo . . .
. . . i hate to think
how much of it i touched . . .
. . . or worse, inhaled,
in the process of pruning . . .
. . . so if/when
i start coughing up moths
in a couple of weeks,
there is a perfectly
logical explanation . . .

Ahhh! No wonder. Glad you figured out the problem. I'll cross my fingers that your plants will come back!
PS. ** means "ck", of course. ;oP
Oh my Steph...those are some VERY hungry caterpillars...Caterpillar poop...YUCK! Please though if you start coughing up moths or butterflies, please have someone there taking pictures...we don't want to miss that! LOL!
They're tobacco budworms and I get them every single summer too! They love love love my red geraniums as much as I do. This year I found a spray...let me go see what the name is?
Ok, I'm back.
It's made by Ortho, called Rose and Flower Insect Killer..ready to use.
Works on indoor and outdoor plants.
I didn't find it until about August, bought one bottle to try and BINGO! it killed the little buggers and kept them from coming back for 4 weeks, just like the bottle says.
Next year I'll look for the concentrate and, WAGE WAR!
Good luck and report back ;)
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