. . . a romney family
halloween recap . . .
. . . complete with character photos
for your reference . . .
. . . marty, the fun-loving zebra
from madagascar
is always eager to please . . .
. . . hayden, the more adorable,
fun-loving, easy to please zebra . . .
. . . without the annoying voice
of chris rock . . .
. . . a red collared dalmation puppy . . .
. . . colby as an
infinitely more playful
red collared dalmation puppy . . .
. . . cranky carl fredrickson from up . . .
. . . slightly cranky
cameron fredrickson . . .
{post lasik surgery apparently}
. . . russell, the wilderness explorer,
from up . . .
. . . enthusiastic elliott as russell . . .
. . . he doesn't especially enjoy playing
"let's see who can be quiet
the longest" . . .
. . . his mother, however,
loves that game . . .
. . . moody james . . .
. . . moody tagg . . .
. . . this kid can hold a grudge . . .
{he had a good excuse. he was sort of flattened by his mom
and bonked his head pretty hard as she ran
to save cameron/carl from running into traffic.}
. . . why are edward's eyes green? . . .
. . . wait . . .
. . . so are tate's . . .
. . . and he takes this vampire stuff
verrrrrrrrrrry seriously . . .
. . . oh, bella . . .
. . . sorry, but halleigh is
a much prettier vampire . . .
. . . victoria is gorgeous . . .
. . . addison made
a super beautiful glampire also . . .
. . . looking way too old
in makeup, fishnets,
and her mom's wedges . . .
. . . the hansen vampire coven . . .
. . . carl {complete with eyewear} and russell . . .
. . . colby with his masters . . .
. . . and an attempt at a group shot . . .
. . . happy halloween . . .
. . . now bring on the real holidays! . . .

OK- having the toddler play the crancky Carl F. from Up is absolutely hillarious! Who ever thought of the idea is brilliant. And the rest of the costumes were pretty great too. Looks like a fun Halloween.
Oh my, such cute trick or treaters. And yes, let's get on with it!
P.S. Does the cute little guy use a walker?
What adorable pictures, you have a beautiful family! Sandy wreaked havoc on our Halloween, we get to Trick or Treat on Sunday at least!
What a fun post! Perfect, perfect comparisons. I LOL'd several times.
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