. . . one of my favorites . . .
. . . i love any color
as long as it's red and white . . .
. . . i certainly enjoyed hanging out
in the dermatologist's office today . . .
. . . you know ~
with some
super current periodicals . . .
. . . finally got an appointment
to check on my hand . . .
. . . which is not better yet . . .
{rx: fungicide and steroid -
sure looking forward to ten days on prednisone! yay!}
sure looking forward to ten days on prednisone! yay!}
. . . and i still
can't wear my wedding ring . . .
{never mind i haven't gotten it fixed yet}
. . . also . . .
. . . let me just say
i'm not a fan
of the word keratosis . . .
. . . also not a fan
of when the doctor comes at me
with that ouchy spray canister
of liquid nitrogen . . .
. . . cryosurgery . . .
. . . twice . . .
{why do they say they're going to freeze it off
when it burns like crazy?}

keratosis does not sound like a good word. (especially after having lost a MIL and BIL to Melanoma)
Hope the ring finger heals quickly now with a little more attention from the doc.
Hope it heals soon. It was looking a little better. Maybe the combination will make it good as new....until you make me some of that yummy jam again that made me promptly gain 5 pounds along with the homemade bread I kept making because it tasted so heavenly together.
P.S. I am in awe of your piano/organ talents. You have blessed our ward so much and especially at this Christmas time when music speaks to my soul. I'm praying that finger snaps right back so I can hear the bells on the organ one more time before December ends.
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