. . . but apparently,
according to my new friends
at the fire station,
some people do . . .
. . . and, yes, these nice guys
will actually come to your house
to cut off your wedding ring . . .
. . . i opted, during a phone call
to check their availability,
to save them the trip . . .
. . . and they are jokesters . . .
. . . on the phone,
one of them asked me
if my ring was really stuck
or if i was getting divorced . . .
. . . trust me . . .
. . . it was stuck . . .
. . . i hadn't worn it in a month . . .
. . . not since i made all that jam . . .
. . . i think it must have been
the acidity in the fruit . . .
. . . and the fact that
i peeled three boxes of peaches
by hand . . .
. . . my finger was irritated
when i finished,
but nothing like this . . .
. . . so i gave it a month to heal . . .
. . . then on sunday
i put it back on . . .
. . . and all this happened
in just three days . . .
{you can see the injuries i sustained from the mini jaws of life}
. . . i'm bummed about my broken ring,
but windex didn't work . . .
{think my big fat greek wedding}
. . . ice didn't work . . .
. . . vaseline didn't work . . .
. . . and it was super painful . . .
. . . i'm relieved it's off . . .
. . . and in case you're wondering . . .
. . . the firemen were cooking
something with bacon for dinner . . .
. . . i still smell like it . . .

Yikes. That looks sore. I'm glad you had it taken care of. And I thought you were just having the most wonderful day quilting away with friends.
*who took the picture for you?
Oh no. Double whammy. Cut up fingers and a cut up ring. So sorry. :(
OH MY! That looks so sore...take care.
ouchee! why does everything have to be complicated? can't you get through one day without something going haywire? sorry for the boo boo. I have some nice CZ you can borrow if you're feeling really naked.
Noooo! Your ring! Your finger! :o(
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