. . . you know these shirts . . .
. . . everyone wears them,
it seems . . .
. . . well ~ there comes a time . . .
. . . a time
when they aren't white
any more . . .
. . . the word dingy comes to mind . . .
. . . dingy ~ meaning grey
or no longer bright . . .
. . . my favorite brand is modbod . . .
. . . i like their fabric
and the neckline finish . . .
. . . so i ordered a new batch . . .
. . . and when they arrived,
two looked like this . . .
. . . and two looked like this . . .
. . . which is exactly
what i requested . . .
. . . best invention ever . . .
. . . because this is arizona,
dontcha know . . .
. . . it's hot here . . .
. . . the fewer layers, the better . . .
. . . it's especially nice
when, say,
you're wearing a dress . . .
. . . and it isn't really
socially acceptable
{when your undershirt is creeping up}
to reach up and pull it down . . .
. . . if you know what i mean . . .
. . . and if you're
a reality tv junkie . . .
. . . i think you'll recognize this model
from the modbod website . . .
. . . pretty sure it's
20-year-old utah resident
model/student, angie . . .
. . . third person voted off
survivor: philippines . . .
. . . partly, perhaps, for her answer
to jeff probst's question,
"what would make things better
for the tribe?" . . .
. . . her response: "cookies" . . .
. . . again ~ the word dingy
comes to mind . . .
. . . the other kind of dingy . . .
. . . which also means
not too bright . . .
. . . which also means
not too bright . . .

Thanks for sharing that site, I need some! I love wrap dresses but I always stand in the fitting room thinking really? Does anyone wear this without anything under it? The shorter ones are great, they will prevent the moment in Curch when you stand to sing, feel the cami/tank rolling/riding up and being able to do absolutely NOTHING about it!
I need some of those half shirts. Genius. A must for AZ ladies.
I like halftees.com too....check it out.
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