. . . i actually saw
this young man's face
as they panned
the conference crowd
this morning . . .
. . . i chuckled . . .
. . . president monson
had just announced
for male and female
missionary service . . .
{creative internet people are speedy.
also already available - free printables of ann m. dibb's
"i'm a mormon. i know it. i live it. i love it.}
. . . two minutes after
this morning's session ended,
i received this text from my son,
who works
at the missionary training center . . .
. . . he's really funny . . .
. . . general conference weekend
is always uplifting . . .
. . . this big announcement
along with the great news
of a temple to be built in tucson
truly made my day . . .
. . . looking forward
to another session today
and both sessions tomorrow . . .
. . . anyone can listen . . .
. . . it's amazing! . . .

That's a funny reaction. I'm actually relieved since my boys are the younger ones in their class at school.
Well I have a 17 year old son and a 19 year old daughter. Both were GIDDY after this announcement and basically missed the rest of the talks. I'm sure they will both go out within a year.
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