. . . here's what
i wanted to be doing today . . .
{click to see row row row four - it's soooooo cute}
. . . but here's what
i needed to be doing today . . .
. . . my poor husband got to have an
upper gastrointestinal endoscopy . . .
. . . let me spell that out for you:
you get some sleepytime drugs
through an iv
and then the doctor
shoves a tiny camera
down your throat
and takes a look around
in your esophagus and stomach
and surrounding areas . . .
. . . this only takes about five minutes
for the actual procedure,
but you'll still be gone from home
for over two and a half hours
because of paperwork,
general waiting around,
and recovery/wakeup . . .
. . . to quote neil sedaka:
"waking up is hard to do" . . .
. . . or something like that . . .
. . . this is the same surgery center
where lots of folks go
to have colonoscopies . . .
. . . if i were to use one word
to describe the recovery room area,
that word would be WINDY . . .
. . . and my immature self
could not stop giggling . . .
. . . the recovery bays
on both sides of us
were quite rooty toot tooty . . .
{i've been told that my husband will be burping quite a bit,
since the air he got was pumped down into his stomach}
. . . so far,
i haven't heard any burping . . .
. . . just lots of snoring . . .
. . . he is OUT . . .
{that remote control is getting some much needed rest, too}
. . . the diagnosis? . . .
. . . so far, a hiatal hernia . . .
. . . awaiting blood test results
to determine
whether ulcer causing bacteria
are involved . . .
. . . also waiting for biopsy results
to determine
whether celiac disease
is a possibility . . .
. . . please please please let it not
be celiac disease . . .
. . . this would be tragic news
for my all kinds of bread
and flour tortilla loving husband . . .
. . . the good news is that,
in recovery,
he informed me he had
just been drafted
by the saint louis cardinals . . .
. . . i guess i better learn
to love baseball . . .

Sending good thoughts!
oh my Steph, your sweet husband has been through so much. I just wish he had been dreaming a prophetic dream, like seeing a Romney in the White House.
Noooo! Poor Dad. He doesn't need to add another thing to his list of health issues. :o( I giggled at the thought of you sitting there giggling at people cutting the cheese. So funny. Go Cardinals! ;o)
Ugh, not fun. But not terrible as procedures go. My daughter had it done 2 years ago. Hope he gets treatment and feels better.
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