. . . can't help but share
a few more photos . . .
. . . it doesn't happen very often,
but our entire family
was together on sunday . . .
. . . eighteen of us plus my mom . . .
. . . loved having her there . . .
. . . gramma romney came, too . . .
. . . but she made
a speedy getaway . . .
. . . so no pix of her . . .
{we thought we were pretty cool having four generations represented,
but on both sides of jess' family - there are five generations. amazing!}
. . . so happy for this little family . . .
. . . drew and jessalyn
are awesome parents . . .
. . . i don't know if i've ever seen
a mom and dad
more obsessed with their baby . . .
. . . just as they should be . . .
. . . it's wonderful
and so fun to watch . . .
. . . hayden is a lucky little girl . . .
. . . she also had
the most darling footwear . . .
. . . perfect for that
freakishly hot day . . .
. . . since returning home,
it's been discovered
that this tiny girl
has acid reflux . . .
. . . she's most comfy
sitting in her carseat . . .
. . . look at that little angel face . . .
. . . and just for fun . . .
. . . hayden's daddy
in his blessing outfit . . .
. . . we're pretty sure
they both have romney eyes . . .

What a beautiful family you have...must have been a wonderful day!
What precious pics...........Blessing Days are just priceless in so many ways. Stephanie your new little grand bundle is so beautful........her dress.........amazing!
U out "done" yourself, for sure!
Lisa Redhouse
i'm pretty sure you have the most beautiful family i've ever seen.
and the little footwear is killing me. what a cute little thing! ;)
What a beautiful family, truly a testiment of hard work and good values :)
She is just beautiful and her dress is amazing, good job nana.
Hayden and Drew are twins. I. Love. Her. A bundle of perfection,
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