. . . i ask you ~
what could be better
than eleven friends sewing,
talking, and lunching together? . . .
. . . not much . . .
. . . i've said it before
{and it's still true}
that this is about my favorite day
of each month . . .
. . . we were missing
a couple of friends . . .
. . . it's even better
when they're with us . . .
. . . hopefully next month . . .
. . . gina amazes me . . .
. . . her brain goes
a million miles a minute . . .
. . . she never stops . . .
. . . designing and testing patterns,
thinking about the next quilt show,
scheming ways
to get rid of her enormous stash,
and planning a quilters' cruise . . .
. . . and i'm all "i pieced an apple" . . .
{actually several apples and cores and leaves and stems.
and they're really darling! i'll show you tomorrow.}
{besides, my finger hurt.}
. . . but, let's be honest . . .
. . . the real reason we get together
is for the lunches! . . .
. . . this month's was provided by janet,
who is obviously
trying to raise the average . . .
. . . everything was delish . . .
. . . won ton tacos . . .
. . . genius! . . .
. . . it's easy to see
why i look forward
to the fourth wednesday
of every month . . .

Gina knows the power of red shoes ;)
Sooo much fun! Thanks for sharing pictures (the next best thing) especially because I could not be there.
Counting the days until our next meet up.
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