. . . elliott was verrrrrrrrrrry excited
to go to the pumpkin eyepatch . . .
. . . with the cousins? . . .
. . . even better . . .
. . . addi {10}
with the cutest fairytale pumpkins . . .
. . . halleigh {9} . . .
. . . tate {6}. . .
. . . tagg {4} . . .
. . . elliott {almost 4} . . .
. . . cameron {17 months} . . .
. . . a short baby truly lost in a maze
is pretty funny . . .
. . . bigger kids not lost in a maze
had a ball, too . . .
. . . driving a tractor? . . .
. . . you betcha . . .
. . . how many cousins
can drive at once? . . .
. . . colby {13 months} . . .
. . . group shots
are next to impossible . . .
. . . good thing they're all adorable . . .
. . . consider yourselves warned,
my pretty daughters . . .
my pretty daughters . . .
. . . i can't believe amanda
is actually touching the sign! . . .
. . . to sum up:
•the kids had fun
•animals stink
•filthy feet
•hay and dust
•love my family
{thanks, manders ~ she took all the good photos}
{thanks, manders ~ she took all the good photos}

Are you kidding me with Cameron's face on the tractor?! Basically the cutest thing I think I have ever seen. Your kids and grandkids are all so cute. Like magazine cute.
I just like that the sign says "fart". Shocking. Looks like they had a good time. They are all way too cute for words!
Ok. Truth is, the g-kids are all darling! Still, it's Cameron who has stolen my grandma heart! He could be one of mine with those expressions. Seriously, one of the best things I have seen today. thanks for sharing Steph. and thanks to Manders for braving the "wild" for the photo shoot!
I love these short people. Yes, enough to brave the dirt, stinky animals that apparently "fart", and sneeze my head off. Worth the smiles on their faces.
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