. . . lori calls row three
a "zig-zaggy" or "chubby chevron"
filler row . . .
. . . it will eventually wind up
between rows of larger,
more detailed blocks . . .
. . . even the borders of this quilt
will be pieced . . .
. . . i'm sure i will love
this finished quilt . . .
. . . each row has been so fun
to put together . . .
. . . sew small background squares
onto opposite corners
of the larger print squares . . .
{larger is a relative term ~ the colored squares are only 2 1/2 inches}
. . . i'm always tempted
not to trim them up . . .
. . . but, i'm always glad
when i do take the time
to do just that . . .
. . . things just fit together
so nicely . . .
. . . rows one, two, and three . . .
. . . well ~ parts of those rows . . .
. . . they're long and skinny
and hard to photograph . . .
. . . and, amazingly,
i'm all caught up . . .
. . . bring on row four! . . .
{total number of pieces in row three: 74}

They are terrific! I can't wait for row 4! One more week!
Your fabrics really do make this quilt so cute already!
Plus your wonderful quilting skills. Squaring up makes things line up and look so neat and trim.
These colors are so happy! Love it!
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