. . . if you have eagle eyes,
you might have spotted
what i was working on
at quilt group . . .
{that's my empty chair on the upper right}
. . . it was the first chunk of time
i'd had since row four came out
a couple of weeks ago . . .
{when i was otherwise occupied}
. . . apples and cores
and leaves and stems . . .
. . . in a nod to animal prints,
{since my butterflies have cheetah bodies}
i figured why not
green zebra striped
apple leaves? . . .
. . . i only made two mistakes . . .
. . . and i'm leaving them both in,
by cracky! . . .
. . . upside down numbers
in the granny smith core block . . .
. . . and the leaf on the right side
instead of the left
in one apple block . . .
. . . oh, well . . .
. . . two places for the evil spirits
to escape . . .
. . . right, peg? . . .
. . . here're the first four rows
all together . . .
. . . and wouldn't you know it? . . .
. . . row five is available now . . .
. . . i'm always running behind . . .
{total number of pieces in row 4: 141}
{total number of pieces in rows 1-4: 428}

I'm doing the row along too and I put one stem going the opposite way on purpose!! It gives it a little character!
These are so cute Steph...and I DO love the green zebra leaves....now I'm wondering what your geese will look like!
I love that you are counting the pieces...you crack me up:)
I've finally joined in and have started Lori's Row Along, too. Sooo fun! And I like how the end leaf faces in. One of those good mistakes!
This one will be way cute, just like the others. I'm glad you get to spend time with fabric, friends and food. What better therapy?
Stop it right now. The apples are TDF. Go. Go, Mama! Heeeeey, go, Mama!
Love your bug body fabric. And I was tempted to make a leaf go the other way, on purpose. I get it. Your work is beautiful front AND back
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