. . . first, throw a bunch
of extra strings of white lights
at the tree . . .
. . . try hard not to use bad language
because it's nine years old
and there are so many dark spots . . .
. . . replace all burned out
red globe lights
{about twenty of them}
because they're even older
than the tree . . .
. . . sort through all
the plasticky,
red and white ornaments . . .
. . . make sure they're super-sized . . .
. . . that way it doesn't take
very many of them . . .
. . . stuff and cram them
in between the branches . . .
. . . wire hooks optional . . .
. . . they really don't hang . . .
. . . then stand back and squint . . .
. . . everything looks better
when you stand back and squint! . . .

Can you hear me clapping? I love it!
And the quilt....be still my heart :)
It looks FABULOUS!
You really have "the touch" when it comes to decorating! nice job :)
Absolutely beautiful...and the quilt as a backdrop for that pretty tree...PERFECT!
That tree could not be more spell binding. I love it. It is perfect.
Now squinging required, its amazing!
I don't need to squint. That's dang cute. You are amazing, you know that?
Your tree has always been my favorite. You are the Christmas Tree Queen.
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