. . . i sorta forgot to post
yesterday's advent ornament . . .
. . . oopsies . . .
. . . so ~ here it is . . .
. . . who knew thirty-one years ago
{when i was stitching up this little owl}
that in the year 2012,
owls would be so trendy? . . .
. . . i decided to let her pose
with the majestic eagle
who graces the back
of my silver dollar . . .
. . . i hope she doesn't
get a complex . . .
. . . and today's ornament
is a toy soldier . . .
. . . posing/making goo goo eyes
with miss e pluribus unum . . .
. . . and the latest
on the front door? . . .
. . . well . . .
. . . i added some solid red
narrower meshy poufy stuff . . .
. . . so help me . . .
. . . if i don't finish this project
tomorrow . . .
. . . i'm afraid it'll be
time to take it down
before i get it finished . . .
. . . today was
a wonderful church day . . .
. . . very well-prepared speakers
in sacrament meeting . . .
{good job lauren, becky and cade}
. . . lovely musical numbers
that i got to accompany
on the piano . . .
{you just can't go wrong with christmas music}
. . . a touching lesson
in relief society . . .
{based on this excellent talk ~ given by one of my favorite speakers
(before i knew he was one of my favorite speakers)
the year after i graduated from high school}
. . . with more beautiful music ~
we have some gorgeous voices
in our ward,
and a great flute player,
who makes me laugh,
and with whom
it is fun to play piano duets. . .
{and then cheesecake!}
. . . and finally choir practice,
which was amazingly well-attended,
and where i feel like
we made some real progress
on the pieces we'll be singing
in two weeks
at our christmas program . . .
. . . it's been a lovely day . . .

I had the thought today that I am thankful for your amazing and talented hands. There I said it. So much of what made our Sunday of delish music was made possible and better by your ability and willingness. I am humbled by the choir turnout and the voices who are all working so hard for the pro-grm. My thanks to you for being the go-to girl on the keyboards. I am in awe. Thanks Steph
you are too kind. (: you definitely rocked the accompaniment today. lucky us! i loved how you added the bells to the organ for the prelude and postlude {??? is that what you call it? you know, the music you play after sacrament meeting... (: } and i agree, relief society was SO wonderful! we have a great ward, that's for sure!
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