. . . of all the good things
that happened today . . .
. . . this was definitely
one of the best . . .
. . . first thing this morning,
this group rehearsed
at our house . . .
. . . included are our bishop,
his counselors,
all of our ward clerks,
and what our stake president
would later call
"a couple of ringers" . . .
. . . i like to call them
the ward mission leader
and the director's husband . . .
. . . first thing this morning
they made me cry . . .
. . . in a good way . . .
. . . the thing is ~
some members of this group
were pretty darn reluctant . . .
. . . and when i say
"pretty darn reluctant"
what i mean is ~
they would have done
just about anything
to get out of singing . . .
. . . but you know what? . . .
. . . the special musical number
in today's service
was amazing . . .
. . . there's just something
about men's voices . . .
. . . so rich . . .
. . . so mellow . . .
{no screeching}
. . . they worked really hard . . .
. . . the part we worked on
the hardest and the very most
~ the ending of the first verse ~
was my very favorite part
of the song . . .
. . . they nailed it . . .
. . . i had goosebumps and tears . . .
. . . i'll end with a direct quote
from one of the singers:
"if you take a picture,
will you put it on steph's stuff?" . . .
. . . and the answer is:
yes. yes i will . . .

Happy Happy Birthday Steph!
It was yummy, wasn't it? I was glad to be there for the goose-bump moment as well. I appreciate these men and especially you for your selfless and awesome talent sharing skills and on your Birthday no less. You rock, my friend - tears indeed! You helped to make them sound wonderful. Thanks you a huge pile.
How sweet and special, and you played for them :)
Happy Birthday!
they seriously did AMAZING!!! i was really impressed. i also love the sound of a men's choir. what a nice addition to our sacrament services yesterday!
I had that same feeling when the Bishops and Stake presidents do the Dance Festival Dance. Lots of moaning and groaning....Like pulling teeth.... but they end up really enjoying it and having a great time. Wish I coulda been there to hear. btw Ms. Talented--- tell me one hing..... how do you play and cry at the same time? ♥♥
Cute picture. Makes me laugh. Men are funny.
Catching up with you. I'm trying to get back on target.
Happy Birthday
You had a busy birthday, but this sounds like you loved this part of your day. Yay!
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