. . . christmas 1984 . . .
. . . almost twenty-eight years ago . . .
. . . the year after
santa brought a swing set,
he somehow managed
to fit a trampoline
in his sleigh
and drop it off
at our house . . .
. . . for billy . . .
. . . and the kids . . .
. . . including amelia,
alisse and maggie . . .
. . . and drew and brad . . .
{in the interest of full disclosure, i just realized this photo was, in fact,
taken on the sherwood's trampoline. not ours.
but it very easily could have been taken on ours.}
. . . there is family history
in the trampoline . . .
. . . this is the trampoline
where amelia
took an unfortunate bounce
and ended up
with pins in her elbow . . .
. . . chris and amber
were jumping on this trampoline
when he proposed . . .
. . . but my little children
have all grown up . . .
. . . they all have little children
of their own . . .
. . . and they are
the meanest parents! . . .
. . . they will not let my grandkids
jump on the trampoline . . .
. . . something about it
making their feet all black . . .
. . . are you kidding me? . . .
. . . do they know
how many little dirty feet
have had a great time jumping? . . .
. . . they are so not fun . . .
. . . so this awesome vintage trampoline
sits unused
on the side of our house . . .
. . . gathering leaves . . .
. . . and pine needles . . .
. . . so, i decided i'd just show
those mean kids of mine . . .
. . . i offered it to a fun family . . .
. . . a family who doesn't care
if feet get dirty . . .
. . . a family who understands
that dirty feet can be washed . . .
. . . but vintage trampolines
are heavy . . .
. . . vintage trampolines
take a village to relocate . . .
. . . a village including
our neighborhood police officer
and his son . . .
. . . and our primary care physician
and his two sons . . .
. . . and a helpful
next door neighbor . . .
{who should definitely not have been helping
- what with his recent heart valve replacement surgery and all -
but we have an awesome neighborhood village!}
. . . thank heaven there was
a sassy little glove-wearing blonde
to carry the ladder . . .
. . . she should carry the ladder . . .
. . . the trampoline is going
to her house . . .
. . . and you can bet your boots . . .
. . . that she will be
the boss of that trampoline . . .

So fun! She's going to love it!
What a great story. Hey, I know that house! Are you getting a few haircuts in trade?
This post made me a little teary...guess it's just the stage in life...it's hard to let some things go that have such great memories behind them. Even harder when you would love for those memories to go on & they don't. That made ME a bit sad but on a happier note...It's your birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Steph! Hope you are having a wonderful day!!!
What an awesome house to go live at!
You know how I feel about this whole trampoline situation. :o( I'm dying how cute Maggie was. I miss her.
Haha. I don't know which part makes me smile more. The fact that your girls are against black feet {racists, all of them} or the fact that i recognized drewbie's little sweatsuit from the 90s. it's all just awesome.
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