. . . this is the time of year
when i start to try
to convince myself
that someday soon,
fall will be here . . .
. . . today was the first morning
in a long time
it was actually pleasant outside
when we went walking at 5:30 . . .
. . . the humidity has gone . . .
{i just wish it had taken the mosquitos with it!}
. . . this is the time of year
when i convince myself that maybe
if i get the flower beds ready,
someday soon it'll be cool enough
to plant again . . .
{i talk to myself a lot}
. . . and then i prune stuff . . .
{and when i say "prune", you know i mean whack it to death}
. . . which reminds me
of the first valentine
i ever got from a boy . . .
. . . well, the first valentine
i got from a boy
that mattered . . .
{not the ones you give to everyone in your class at elementary school}
. . . i think i was in ninth grade . . .
. . . anyway . . .
. . . on the front it said,
"hey valentine!
wanna go steady?" . . .
. . . the inside read,
"try bran flakes
and prune juice" . . .
{and that, my friends, is how my thoughts tie together sometimes.
prunes and pruning.
which is so so so weird.}
{and that, my friends, is how my thoughts tie together sometimes.
prunes and pruning.
which is so so so weird.}

I would think the combo of prune juice and bran flakes could produce more than just steady!
P.S. Please say this Valentine did not come from Mr. Romney?
P.P.S. The stack and slash turned out nicely :)
Dang! I wish I'd thought of that! Unfortunately, we didn't meet until many years later.
I know just what you mean...this is the time I start to have a little hope for fall too...after all it's been in the 60's the last couple of mornings! And I did 5 hours of yardwork the other day...like you, pruning and cleaning...just hoping!
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