. . . mr. bernina repairman called . . .
. . . the verdict? . . .
. . . let us have
a moment of silence
for the one on the left . . .
. . . $400 to fix
a 29-year-old serger
would, apparently,
be throwing good money
after bad . . .
. . . but, the good news is . . .
. . . the one in red is alive and well . . .
. . . complete with test stitches
on muslin . . .
. . . and new felt spool cushions . . .
. . .which, as you can see,
had been missing
for quite some time . . .
. . . what you don't see
are the new motor brushes,
which had, over the past 33 years,
worn down to nearly nothing . . .
. . . what you don't hear
is the chewing out i got
from mr. bernina repairman . . .
. . . "don't you ever go that long
without service again" . . .
{it had only been not quite three years}
. . . "you ran this machine
practically dry" . . .
. . . "never take this machine anywhere
but a bernina store" . . .
. . . "tsk tsk tsk" . . .
. . . i felt like a scolded child . . .
. . . he also recommended
that i cover the air intake vent
for a little while . . .
. . . with a warning
of possible black specks
from the new brushes . . .
. . . "yessir" mr. bernina repairman . . .
. . . "how do you feel about
a piece of old dishtowel
and blue painters tape?" . . .
. . . i have to say
bernie seriously is sewing
like a million bucks . . .
. . . but for a much lower price . . .
. . . thanks, mr. bernina repairman ~ aka Len . . .

1 comment:
Had a servicing done just about the same time as you did on my workhorse Bernina, and while I didn't get the lecture this time, I have received the scolding earlier and I can say the feeling was less than pleasant. The good news is the machine is humming again and with every service, I am a little bit better at doing "my job" Len's way. I can say that he does awesome work and might be worth the finger-waving. Glad Bernie is home and healthy again.
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