. . . i don't go out to lunch
every day . . .
. . . but i'd like to! . . .
. . . especially if i could always go
with some of my favorite girls . . .
. . . like i did today . . .
{also if we could have mexican food every time ~ that'd be swell!
is there any other kind?}
. . . today officially marks the end
of my birthday season . . .
. . . i hope . . .
. . . it's a little embarrassing
~ people being soooooo nice . . .
. . . thanks tons! . . .

Two of my favorites: friends & Mexican food! Your birthday season still hasn't ended. You still need to do lunch with your lovely daughters. ;o)
Remember when we used to wonder if we would still go out for birthday lunches when we got OLD? Me neither.....can't remember that long ago!! But here's to 30 more years of fun things to forget!!
Next time you should go to TR on McKellips... I'll be your waitress!!! (Yes I still work as a waitress!)
remember when we were young chick-a-dees and we would ponder on if we would still have birthday lunches when we got (a..hemm..) old. I think that just happened today....can someone please confirm....and if so....let's start some more party plannin!!
What an incredible group of ladies! That would have been a such a fun lunch to be a part of! Glad you were able to celebrate with some of your amazing friends.
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