. . . some days,
i can't really think of much
to write/post about . . .
. . . so i blatantly borrow
an adorable photo . . .
. . . it's probably
a lot cuter to me
than it is to hayden's
sleep deprived parents . . .
. . . and then,
for no other reason
than the fact that it's
about the most darling thing
i've ever seen,
i'd also like to share this . . .
. . . are you getting the impression
that elliott was a little excited
about his turn to share
with his preschool class? . . .
. . . i feel super blessed to have
such adorable grandkids . . .
{my children and their spouses aren't exactly chopped liver either}
. . . and then,
for no other reason
than the fact that it's
about the most darling thing
i've ever seen,
i'd also like to share this . . .
. . . are you getting the impression
that elliott was a little excited
about his turn to share
with his preschool class? . . .
. . . i feel super blessed to have
such adorable grandkids . . .
{my children and their spouses aren't exactly chopped liver either}

I love both pictures! Hayden seems to be "wide-awake" and cute as can be. Elliott sure enjoys the first weeks of school more than I did!
Oh my goodness, no really, GOODNESS!
That 1st photo pretty much sums up life with a newborn. Maybe a Christmas card is in order?
I freakin' love my family!
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