. . . good thing we're flexible . . .
. . . plan "a" was to head
to the beach . . .
. . . juggling four children,
beach towels,
and snacks
proved a bit much . . .
. . . something had to give . . .
. . . unfortunately, it was
the car/apartment keys . . .
. . . did you know
there's a two or three inch gap
between solid ground
and the inside of an elevator? . . .
. . . yep ~ a black hole
just big enough
for keys to fit through . . .
. . . if you've either got great aim,
or you're super unlucky . . .
. . . amber's gotten
a great tan living in cali,
but her face went completely white
when the keys
fell down the shaft . . .
. . . bless her heart . . .
. . . a couple of hours later,
the keys were safely returned ~
albeit with a ring that was
quite bent out of shape . . .
. . . apparently, this happens
all the time . . .
{according to management}
. . . at that point,
we decided to head
to the pool instead . . .
. . . one of several lovely facilities
in the complex . . .
. . . it oughta be lovely . . .
. . . a two bedroom apartment
rents for three thousand dollars
per month . . .
. . . holy california, batman! . . .
. . . i especially love
the magnolia trees . . .
. . . see them
in the background? . . .
. . . white blooms the size
of dinner plates . . .
. . . the kids were good sports . . .
. . . they played together
and with every other kid
who entered the water . . .
. . . their philosophy? . . .
. . . what's your water toy
is my water toy . . .
. . . it worked surprisingly well . . .
. . . addi and tate . . .
. . . halleigh and tagg . . .
. . . i've always felt like
the good thing
about summer swimming
is it keeps the kids
relatively clean
and completely worn out . . .
. . . not to mention
ravenously hungry . . .
. . . nonstop
snacksnacksnacksnacks . . .
. . . grampa got a little hungry
just watching
from the sidelines . . .
. . . but he had a hard time
reading the el torito menu
on his iPhone . . .
. . . my glasses helped . . .
. . . he looks good in cheetah . . .
. . . don't you think? . . .