29 June 2012

. . . brave . . .

. . . it took us two tries . . . 
. . . but we eventually made it 
to the right theater 
in huntington beach . . . 
{we were looking for a showing 
where closed captioning was available}
. . . i would have been content 
just to sit outside 
and enjoy these impatiens, 
which were the size of saucers . . . 
. . . we were "lucky" enough 
to share the relatively small theater
 with a group of sixty-four kids 
{and all their keepers} 
from a daycare center . . . 
{remarkably well-behaved ~ 
but they took up the entire back two-thirds of the theater ~
. . . these kids were 
good as gold, too ~ 
as long as 
we kept the popcorn coming! . . .

. . . but i must admit that 
brave was a darling movie . . . 
. . . these cgi films 
are nothing short of fantastic . . . 
. . . i was fascinated 
with merida's hair . . . 
. . . she's fierce ~ 
that's for sure . . .

. . . at the shower last saturday, 
i saw a photo 
of jessalyn's cousin 
who works 
at disneyworld in orlando . . .
. . . she gets to dress up 
as merida every day . . . 
. . . her wig is fabulous . . .
. . . how fun/sweaty 
would that be? . . .

1 comment:

chris+amber said...

Really, really cute movie. Tate & Tagg have been impersonating Harris, Hubert & Hamish ever since the movie.