03 June 2012

. . . elder holland . . .

"why should you be jealous 
because i choose to be kind?"

. . . one of my favorite quotes 
from april conference . . .

. . . i enjoyed listening 
to this talk {again} 
this morning . . .
{watch in entirety here}

. . . elder holland's addresses 
seem to be instant classics . . .
. . . and i agree wholeheartedly 
with this pinterest funny . . .

"this parable 
~ like all parables ~ 
is not really about laborers or wages
 any more than the others 
are about sheep and goats . . .
. . . this is a story 
about god's goodness, 
his patience and forgiveness, 
and the atonement 
of the lord jesus christ . . . 
. . . it is a story 
about generosity and compassion . . .
. . . it is a story about grace . . .
. . . it underscores 
the thought i heard 
many years ago 
that surely the thing 
god enjoys most about being god 
is the thrill of being merciful
especially to those 
who don't expect it 
and often feel 
they don't deserve it"

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