. . . i've gotten
a few questions lately . . .
. . . some of you may be wondering
along with steve and bill . . .
{pardon their mild french! but honestly,
i can never watch that without laughing.
the full version is even funnier,
but, sadly, embedding is disabled.}
. . . well ~ the answer is . . .
. . . it's an oops! . . .
. . . the best burp cloth around . . .
{according to me!}
{i usually photograph oops! folded for packaging.
here's what they look like opened up}
. . . each oops! is created
from a 14" x 20" 100% cotton
diaper service quality
4x6x4 prefold . . .
{translation: 6 layers in the center
and 4 layers of cotton gauze on each side}
. . . making them extremely soft
and absorbent . . .
. . . each oops! is embellished
with an edge trim,
{usually jumbo rick rack or pom pom fringe}
heavy weight 100% cotton chenille,
and decorative grosgrain ribbon . . .
. . . you know you're
getting the genuine article
by the oops! tag
stitched into the side seam . . .
. . . if you've ever been
the proud parent,
of a baby who suffers from reflux
or just regular
run-of-the-mill spitting up,
you'll appreciate
the absorbency properties
of these beauties . . .
. . . my philosophy is:
babies are messy . . .
. . . why not clean up in style . . .
. . . a pair of oops! is up for grabs . . .
. . . here's how . . .
. . . if you're already an oops! user
tell me if/why you like 'em . . .
. . . if you've never tried oops!
tell me why you'd like to! . . .
. . . i'll choose a winner
from the comments
on wednesday 24 july . . .
from the comments
on wednesday 24 july . . .

I love the name you chose for your burp cloths! "Oops!" It was the first thing out of my mouth when my own children spit up and now I say it to my grand children. You have definitely taken the the burp cloth to the next level with the quality in materials and the workmanship. Hope you continue to have success with this little business.
i have almost 30 grandchildren and i think almost everyone of them have your "opps" burp cloths. so, i have some of them myself, maybe from the mom's leaving them here, or just hand-me-downs. (two of those grandkids are leslie hathcocks as well, kate and olivia) oh yes, i should mention my favorite cousin is vicki sue sherwood. i love your "opps" burp cloths so much, they have been there for many a grandkids cleanups!and also for my now 5 month old grandbaby layla's drooling problem!! she loves to hold them and bite on them which helps with the drool. they are also used as babydoll blankets when the little granddaughters are playing house! needless to say we all love them.
Love...love...love all of your oops & all of your other projects too!!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent! One of these days {hopefully sooner than later} I will start working on a talent of my own ;)
I have never tried an oops! burp cloth but would love to gift a couple to my two sisters who are both pregnant and who both live out of state (sisters should not be allowed to live in different states). Everything you make is darling!!
Oh my gosh, my sister got me some Oops when I had my first baby, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!!!!!! So cute! I didn't ever mind having it over my shoulder in public!! Now that #3 will be here very soon, I can't wait to buy some more!!!
I'm a gramma and think these would be VERY handy to have at my house. I love that you've made something necessary into something fashionable!
I love oops! When my baby was little they were always the best way to clean up!!
I loved using the blue boy Oops! with my boys and can't wait to start a new collection of girly pink ones here soon! They are nice and thick so they cleaned up anything and everything! Plus it was nice to have something cute to throw over my shoulder instead of the boring ones at the store.
With Emily and Brad both expecting they need something to wipe up the drools and barf.
We have sweet #7 just born that will be staying with us awhile so I need a nice, clean, soft pink one for her to lay her soft, chubby-licious cheeks on my shoulder when I rock her. Besides, doesn't the helper who kindly assisted you in making the custom label deserve a break??
I have bought a few of these adorable Oops cloths and I love them .....we have another grandbaby coming so I know I will be paying you a visit in the next few months ........you never ever cease to amaze me and I too think the name you came up with is bomb diggity ........and after these last couple months here and all I am surprised I haven't started drooling and need them myself ha ha
Because I'm giving birth to your 8th damn grandchild in less than two weeks. Well, my wife is.
Andrew Romney .... you watch your mouth young man!!
The3 mom's I gave them to back in June absolutely LOVE them...I will probably have to order some more from you! They are a real hit!
I won one once before and gave it as a gift to a new nephew who at the time lived very far away. And now, I would love to try them out because I want a baby of my own! So, if I got another, it would now go into the "wishful thinking" pile, and be in good company with the most adorable Mickey and Minnie Mouse dolls, perfect Sunday shirt onsies for my baby boys, and the cutest strappy gold sandals for my baby girls. So here's to wishful thinking!
I actually got an Oops! for my baby shower with my first. I love how thick they are!! They don't feel like they are going to fall apart. I need a new one, I'm due any day with my second boy and would love to win another!
I have never tried an oops but they look adorable!! Nothing screams fashion statement more than a plain cloth diaper on my shoulder. An oops would be an amazing accessory to any outfit!
Being an avid support of Oops for quite some time, I just want to recommend to any new moms out there, Don't settle for any cheap imitations! This is the real deal, friends. Oops are the most absorbent, longest wearing, cutest(duh) and 'yalls best get some or you will lose out in all of those categories. I have spoken truth. References/testimonials of actual users available upon request. There - Heart you, Steph!
I don't just like Oops! I LOVE them! I have one on my shoulder as I'm typing. I also love giving them as baby shower gifts.. They are always a hit! :)
I gave some to my sister and they are fabulous! The quality of the diaper is, as you stated, second to none. But beyond that is your work. There are tons of people that make them but yours are far superior because of the quality of your work. It is the little details, like straight stitching (cannot believe the condition some sell them in) and the evenness of all embellishments. They are superior to any I have ever seen.
i don't have kids, but they make the best gifts!!! so cute & everyone loves them. best part is- i don't have to do a thing!
Loved the few I had with Beckett. They are made great and so cute!
After a baby boom in my ward last year, (16 plus...) I went to Stephanie for the cutest gifts ever. I love seeing the new Moms toting their babies and using their "Oops". One of the greatest baby gifts ever! Thanks Steph!
Vickie P.
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