. . . it was early this morning . . .
. . . about six o'clock . . .
. . . nearly time to go walking . . .
. . . tuesday is green trash
and recycled trash day . . .
. . . as i emptied
all our diet coke and lemonade cans
{with loud clanking}
and walked the green and blue bins
out to the curb,
i thought i heard
someone sweeping . . .
. . . it was actually
the sound of a lawn rake . . .
. . . my sweet neighbor
was raking MY yard . . .
{thanks, susie!}
. . . crazy wind/dust storms
over the weekend
had left my yard
looking sort of like this . . .
{well ~ maybe not quite so bad}
. . . i planned
to clean up the needles myself
after walking . . .
{about three miles, or so}
. . . but she'd beat me to it . . .
. . . she assured she wouldn't
do the whole yard . . .
{she did the worst part}
. . . so, i finished when i got home . . .
. . . i managed to get
blisters on both thumbs . . .
. . . the one on my left hand
tore open . . .
. . . wah wah wah . . .
. . . then i started thinking about today
~ the 24th of july ~
the day my church
celebrates the arrival
of the mormon pioneers
to the great salt lake valley . . .
. . . they'd been walking, too . . .
{about thirteen hundred miles}
. . . they had blisters . . .
{and mostly no shoes}
. . . they'd been sleeping
on pine needles . . .
{those things are pokey!}
. . . their faith was incredible . . .
. . . their determination unmatched . . .
. . . i doubt i'd have made
a very cheerful pioneer . . .
. . . i'm pretty sure
i'd never have been
anyone's choice
for a first wife . . .
. . . not in those days
before makeup
and blow dryers . . .
. . . but i am thankful every day
for their sacrifice . . .
. . . their dedication
to what they knew
to be true . . .
. . . leaving their homes,
their friends,
their comfortable circumstances . . .
. . . many of them
burying family members
along the trail . . .
. . . traveling across this great land
to build a new home . . .
. . . a home where
they could worship
as they pleased . . .

Amen :)
got a little teary-eyed there. Although I don't feel I was born in the correct generation, its not the 1800's I feel I belong... but instead of being Mrs. Darcy I'm afraid I'd be Mrs. Bennett..... : )
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