. . . the time has come . . .
. . . we gotta represent . . .
. . . we've never ever
put bumper stickers
on our cars . . .
. . . not even these adorable
family stick figures . . .
. . . although this version
is pretty funny . . .
{i've cropped out their last name
~ you know ~
to protect their privacy}
. . . but we decided
to make an exception . . .
. . . just this once . . .
{dadgum! i thought i'd gotten all the bubbles out}
. . . true story . . .
. . . my brother-in-law,
rob romney,
was at a gas station . . .
. . . he has the same sticker
on his car . . .
. . . a stranger
{i believe his name was wise}
walks up and asks,
"are you really gonna
vote for that guy?" . . .
. . . rob's reply:
"nah ~ i just wanna be able
to find my car easier" . . .

Ha! You made me smile today...I have to share this with my Larry, the Mr. Wise at my house, lol
What a question! (and I always tell people there were no dumb questions)
Your BIL handled it perfectly.
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