. . . so while their son,
"jef where's the f?"
{i'd call him jef wtf?, but that doesn't sound very nice}
is busy cavorting
with emily maynard
on the bachelorette . . .
. . . making lemonade toasts . . .
. . . she pretending
like she's never shot a gun before,
and then hitting every clay pigeon . . .
. . . and sharing some one-on-one time
while overlooking his family's
enormous holmstead ranch
near st. george, utah . . .
. . . jef where's the f?'s parents are
{according to his voiceover}
not available to meet emily
because they're away
doing "charity work" . . .
. . . which as we all know
means they are
serving as mission presidents
for three years in south carolina . . .
. . . i wonder how they feel about
jef where's the f?'s
escapades? . . .

i did some investigation work also. i wanted to know if they were serving a mission or mission presidents. {which is also serving a mission i guess...}
thanks heavens for google! (:
Thank you for the back story on that...I kept wondering...
For their sake I hope he doesn't win Emily. Jef is a classy guy, even though it would seem he has different ideas than his family. I would say he came off really well in this show and they should be proud of him. It ain't easy being a parent anymore, if it ever was.
who knew?
I'd be happy if Jef wtf got a new DOOOO!!! WTD?
I did the same investigation haha ..........loved the lemonade toasts .......I wish I didn't like this dang show as much as I do ......
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