. . . yes, today was quilt group . . .
. . . good thing, too,
because i was in withdrawal
from missing it
the last two months . . .
. . . i love my children
and i was so happy
for the chance
to visit drew and jessalyn
in utah
and amber, chris and children
in california,
but i will
~ from here on out ~
be a little more careful
with my trip planning . . .
. . . there's only one third wednesday
of each month . . .
. . . no need to be out of town
on that one day! . . .
. . . so
~ after my prolonged absence ~
you'd think i'd be excited
and take lots of photos . . .
. . . well ~ think again! . . .
. . . when we were nearly finished
for the day,
i snapped a couple of pics . . .
. . . and i'm so disappointed in myself
for all the things
i didn't document . . .
. . . like the amazing quilts
nedra is working on . . .
. . . she's a professional
scrap user upper . . .
. . . and she turns those scraps
into works of art . . .
. . . gina whipped up a baby quilt
and a doll quilt
in a couple of hours . . .
. . . then she and renee served
an italian lunch feast . . .
. . . salad, pasta, sauce, bread
and panna cotta . . .
. . . oh, my . . .
. . . vicki is working on
adorable birthday wall hangings . . .
. . . i am most likely
going to steal one of them
when they're finished . . .
. . . renee worked on one
of her signature
minkee and satin
baby blankees . . .
. . . candice sewed
strips of vintage modern
for a grandbaby's chevron quilt . . .
. . . holly stitched away
on a project
that might take a while . . .
. . . embroidered blocks
depicting famous children's books . . .
. . . a labor of love . . .
. . . amanda popped in and out
between her
relief society president duties
and back to school
immunization appointments . . .
. . . so excited julie's
going to join us from now on . . .
. . . can't wait to see
what she'll work on first . . .
. . . whatever it is,
it will be spectacular . . .
. . . we missed jamie and janet . . .
. . . i think if this quilt
and this quilt
had a baby . . .
. . . it would look
like this gorgeous quilt
that karen is working on . . .
. . . bliss and snowballs . . .
. . . perfect combo . . .
. . . i absolutely love
the tiny cornerstone squares
in this pattern . . .
. . . they add so much . . .
{isn't it so pretty?}
. . . gina has an entire bolt
of this mustache fabric . . .
. . . pretty sure i laughed out loud
when i saw it . . .
. . . so clever . . .
. . . here's one of peggy's projects . . .
. . . she's started
a great granny quilt
for a grandson on the way . . .
. . . lucky baby! . . .
{that tiny gingham background will be fabulous}
. . . me? . . .
. . . i didn't get done
nearly as much
as i thought i would . . .
. . . could it be because
i was yakking too much? . . .
. . . could it be because
i was admiring
everyone else's work too much? . . .
. . . could it be because
i was 45 minutes late? . . .
. . . could it be because
i spent too much time with megan
designing my ipad cover . . .
. . . could it be because
i was savoring
every single mouthful
of that lunch? . . .
. . . who cares? . . .
. . . bottom line?
i finished a couple of blocks . . .
. . . and today . . .
. . . that was good enough for me! . . .
. . . i just love spending time
with these ladies . . .
. . . and . . .
. . . yep! . . .
. . . today's the day . . .
. . . congratulations, rachel! . . .
. . . you get to pick out
a couple of your favorite oops! . . .
. . . thanks to all of you
who left such nice comments . . .
. . . don't worry . . .
. . . just as soon
as jessalyn and drew
have their baby girl, hayden . . .
{grandchild number eight}
. . . there'll be eight more winners . . .
. . . stay tuned . . .

Yay!! I'm so excited!! My sisters are going to love me. My email is brcunningham@cox.net. I am up in Snowflake until Saturday. Thank you!!!!!
Yea Rach!! So glad you won! :)
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