06 September 2012

. . . i did the math . . .

. . . let's do a story problem . . . 
. . . steph has $12 
and she wants 
to buy raspberries . . . 
. . . she goes to fry's . . .
. . . raspberries are "on sale" 
for $3 per package . . . 
. . . how many raspberries 
can steph buy at fry's? . . .

. . . oops! . . . 
. . . the correct answer is none . . . 
. . . because steph is smart 
and goes to 
superstition ranch market . . .
. . . steph can buy 
six times as many raspberries there 
for the same amount of money . . .
. . . so ~ steph gets 
24 packages of raspberries 
for $12 . . .
. . . steph is a super shopper . . .


Carol said...

WOWSER! Will you shop for me? That's fantastic!

Nedra said...

I learn about so many different places to visit here in AZ from you. Thanks for the tip. I will be checking out Superstition Ranch Market.

Shellene said...

May we enjoy some freezer jam at the property soon?