. . . well . . .
. . . i guess i should have done this
yesterday after all . . .
. . . during the cloudy weather
of late afternoon . . .
. . . because by the time
i got around
to taking pictures today . . .
. . . there wasn't much light either . . .
. . . and when i say
not "much light" ~
of course i mean
a torrential downpour . . .
. . . what?????? . . .
. . . maybe this shot
will give you a better idea
of the oops! i have available
for boys right now . . .
. . . and i am always happy
to try my best
to fill custom orders, too . . .
. . . you know ~
like if you've got your heart set
on a certain team's colors . . .
. . . or your husband is an avid hunter
and demands camo everything . . .
. . . or whatever . . .
. . . let me know . . .

Last Sunday at church, I counted 4 sweet babies with the prettiest Oops ever!
Thank you for the pic! The next time I'm in town I will be stopping by to pick up a few.. But I'll message you through FB to make sure you are home. Thanks again!
What a cute, cute basket full!
vickie . . .
thanks for being one of my best customers!
lucky ladies in your ward!
kim . . .
i'm home a lot!
see you soon.
I'll be needing some of these soon! The rain was glorious and a very welcome surprise!
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