. . . cute stuff
{and people}
i saw at quilt group today . . .
. . . amanda ~ with a gift she made
for her daughter's
fifth grade teacher . . .
{i think i hear the sixth grade team fighting over
who'll teach sophie next year}
. . . it'll have bright orange binding . . .
. . . just this once ~ i approve! . . .
. . . here's peg with
a darling quilt-as-you-go
pink baby quilt . . .
. . . and her finished
belgian waffles quilt top . . .
{a while back, i made one of these, too}
. . . karen was
just finishing up the binding
on this awesome whirligig quilt
for her grandson . . .
. . . the piecing and quilting
are fabulous . . .
. . . she also just got
this adorable table topper
back from the quilter . . .
. . . my stars, it's cute! . . .
{it goes great with my friendship walker,
don't you think?}
. . . i could kick myself
for not getting a photo
of the amazing
that nedra was pin basting . . .
. . . and renee was busily
cutting, cutting, cutting . . .
. . . she's making one of these . . .
. . . i can't even tell you
how much i look forward
to getting together
with these ladies
~ doing something we love ~
creating . . .
{and lunching on costa vida salads}
. . . it's kinda my favorite day
of the month! . . .

Wow, that was a fast post. I just got back from the temple, and I know you probably just arrived. Thanks again for a wonderful day!
You guys are a very talented bunch. Love 'em all! I can't wait to see Renee's. It looks TDF.
That was fun, huh? I think we should do it again next month, yea?
<<<<< i.am.jealous>>>>> although I love to see a beautiful quilt, and I think the intricate details are amazing, and I know the time and passion put into them,..... oh, and ♥ to spend time w/good friends, ....somehow my fingers (or brain) won't work well in quilting. again.... I AM truly <<>> Maybe you can teach me someday : )
thats supposed to say...
again.... I AM TRULY <<<<>>>
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