. . . an elementary principle
of economics . . .
. . . it must be girl season . . .
. . . because ~ the demand
has been high . . .
. . . and now the supply is
verrrrrrrrrrrrry low . . .
{i even had a customer today who was an extremely good sport ~
she waited while i finished a couple of girly oops! for her ~
they were hot off the presses when she took them}
. . . good thing this batch
is nearly finished . . .
. . . and, yes ~
they do come in batches . . .
. . . usually an entire bolt
of pom pom trim
at a time . . .
. . . need pink? . . .
. . . let me know . . .

Just found out one of my besties will be needing some pink after two boys! I would love to get some of these as a gift for her, can you email me some info? Thanks!
erindeller {at} gmail {dot} com
Oh no...did I miss the girl train? I want to miss the boy train so how long do you predict that train may be? :)
I want to come into town sometime and when I do stop by to get a few boy ones.. can you post what your boy supply looks like? please?
Are there any cute coral/salmon ribbon/ric-rac/pom-poms?
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