. . . i like to drive . . .
. . . this is lucky,
since sitting time
is severely limited for bill . . .
. . . i was behind the wheel . . .
. . . while he rested in the back . . .
. . . he is very good
at not being a backseat driver . . .
. . . i, on the other hand,
am a very annoying
passenger seat nagger . . .
. . . so, this situation
was a best case scenario . . .
. . . here are some scenes
from the road . . .
{and, yes, many are iphone pix taken by me while driving. shhhh!}
. . . i swear i was
behind this semi
filled with what appeared to be
river rafts of some sort
for about a half hour
between flagstaff and page . . .
. . . it was verrrrrrrrrrrrrry windy
and that thing was fishtailing
and swaying all over both lanes . . .
. . . i nearly had to stop
for a dramamine
just watching it . . .
. . . mmmmmmmmm . . .
. . . public restrooms . . .
. . . my favorite . . .
. . . especially when
they're held together
with cardboard and duct tape . . .
{at least instructions were clearly posted
and all amenities were included}
. . . clever advertising . . .
. . . it caught MY attention . . .
. . . starting the climb from sandy
into little cottonwood canyon . . .
. . . when you're used to
arizona's "green",
it's hard to believe places like this
really exist . . .
. . . lush pines and cottonwoods,
which were just
starting to leaf out . . .
. . . truly lovely . . .
. . . there were
a crazy amount of bikers . . .
. . . i mean
the kind without motors . . .
. . . and what goes up . . .
. . . must come down . . .
. . . this group was going
about 60 mph . . .
. . . there are signs all along telling you
to "share the road" . . .
. . . these guys were hard core . . .
. . . in the half hour it takes to drive
from the freeway in sandy
to the resort at snowbird,
the temperature
drops twenty degrees . . .
. . . luckily, the cliff lodge
was comfy and cozy . . .
. . . now we're home again . . .
. . . after a day of driving
on extremely well-patrolled
highways and freeways
this holiday weekend . . .
. . . all the more justification
for my penchant
for only going about
three or four miles per hour
above the posted speed limit . . .
. . . two cars absolutely flew past me
between kanab and page yesterday . . .
. . . and i must admit there was
a certain sense of satisfaction
when not thirty seconds down the road
i watched as a highway patrolman
waved them both over
to the shoulder . . .
. . . then as posted on many signs
along the side of the road,
i slowed down and pulled to the left
as i passed them . . .
. . . with my cruise control set about
three or four miles per hour
over the speed limit . . .
. . . nanny nanny boo boo . . .

Public bathrooms stress me out.
Glad you're home safe & sound!
Nanny nanny boo boo.. made me laugh and reminded me of my Lily wanting to play tag.
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