. . . i'm referring to
this little girl's mother . . .
. . . because just look
at the kind of birthday party
she threw for
soon-to-be-ten-year-old addison . . .
. . . strawberry lemonade
was the theme . . .
. . . including die-cut lemonade banner,
color coordinated everything,
homemade pink lemonade cupcakes,
fresh fruit,
apothecary candy jars,
and a matching swimsuit . . .
. . . addi will turn a whole decade old
at the end of june . . .
. . . but this year,
she blew out her birthday candle
a month early . . .
. . . because her family
is relocating to california
until the end of summer . . .
. . . where amber
and the kids will play
and chris
will be working his tail off . . .
. . . thankful for a summer job . . .
. . . when the kids found out
they'd be gone
for almost three months,
three of them
~ those with summer birthdays ~
were quite upset . . .
. . . what about our birthday parties,
mom????? . . .
. . . and so, nice mom that she is . . .
. . . hosted parties
for all three birthday kids
on memorial day . . .
. . . the day before they move . . .
. . . yeah, like i said . . .
. . . wonder woman . . .

It's wonderful that family traditions mean so much to them. And how pretty of a food display, accompanied by such a beautiful young girl!
That table is every little girl's dream! So, so cute!!
Can she throw our kids birthday parties someday? She's amazing. Such a cute party!
Like mother....like daughter!
It was so fun planning this party with her! The excitement in her eyes made it all worth it.
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