19 October 2012

. . . hook 'em . . .

. . . "university of texas fabric" 
wasn't something 
i ever thought i'd google . . . 
. . . and yet, i did . . .
. . . and i found it 
and i bought it . . . 
. . . sheesh . . . 
. . . the things i do 
for a son-in-law's 
home teaching family . . . 

. . . longhorns now join seahawks,
suns, mhs, and the air force 
in the special order department . . .
. . . i am nothing 
if not accommodating . . . 


Chris said...

Thank you for being so accommodating! They will be so excited!!

chris+amber said...

I think you should post your Oops! on Etsy. F'rills.